Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Amusing Anecdote

Miranda: I left my phone in coach's car! I won't get it back until tomorrow afternoon!
Me: I should send it dirty text messages!
Miranda: Do it!

Me: "Hey Randa, I got him as he was leaving that whore's budoir. He never saw it coming. Thanks for letting me borrow the silencer for the .22, my only problem is that I still have the body and he only had 23 of the 50 g's he owes me. No doubt he overpaid that hooker for a few extra minutes in paradise. No problem, I'll take care of her after my deal with C-daddy goes down in a few hours. But hey, I need to borrow that woodcutter you used to take care of Dinunzio last week. The bastard's body won't fit in the body bag I bought from Home Depot last week. Thanks dollface."